Modulation is a process in which a message signal or called as modulating signal is merged with a comparatively stronger signal or called as carrier signal for a quite large distance signal transmission. In this process , characteristics of a high frequency signal , is changed according to the instantaneous amplitude of the information signal. Modulation is used for Long distance transmission. Multiple signals can be transmitted on a single or in a same channel. It also makes signal to become more stable. It promotes noise rejection also. APPLICATIONS: Modulation is used for broadcasting both audio and video signals. Modulation is used in entire communication industry for all types of communication such as in Mobile, Television, Satellites etc. TYPES OF MODULATION: Amplitude modulation Frequency modulation Phase modulation In this we are going to discuss about amplitude modulation. 1. AMPLITUDE MODULATION: Amplitude modulation or just AM is one of th...
LINUX OPERATING SYSTEM What is Linux Linux is a free operating system that was created by Linux Tarvolds when he was a student at the University of Helsinki in 1991. Tarvolds started Linux by writing a Kernel , which is the heart of the operating system, partly from scratch and partly from using publicly available software. He than released it to his friends and to a community of “ Hackers” on the internet and asked them to work with it and enhance it. Red hat linux is the most popular commercial distribution of Linux. Features of Linux Operating system The common features included in every version of Linux are: Multiusers: Not only can you have many user accounts available on a linux system, but you can also have multiple users logged in and working on the system at the same time. Multitasking: You can have many programs running at the same time in Linux. Besides meaning that you can have lots of programs going at once, Many of ...